31-Days-of-Simplicity-fitness-yoga-wandalopezdesignsOur local Yoga shop recently celebrated their first year anniversary and offered a complementary “all levels” class for the community. I was very excited about this class and also a little nervous, since I had never done yoga before and didn’t know what to expect.

Once I got there, I kept on looking around to see what I had to do, how and where to sit. The fact that I was nervous couldn’t be hidden, even though I tried. But, once the room was full and the class started I became more relaxed and comfortable.

Exercise is one of those things I don’t normally do, but should do. This yoga class is one of the most simple things you can do to stay fit and feel good. I am very glad I tried it.

As you can see on the image above, I paired some of my favorite pieces to wear for a yoga class. I love color and it shows.

Have you tried yoga? What is your favorite exercise to keep fit?