• Being a Change Agent


    Last week I spent a couple of days at a conference that impacted me tremendously. I was invited by a friend and speaker. We have been great fans and cheerleaders of each others work for a very long time now, but had never met in person. I know you have friendships like that too.

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  • Pink on the go

    Pink-on-the go

    As a cancer survivor I can’t let a day go by without being thankful. Thankful for being here, raising my girls, loving my family, making handbags for you and growing in such a beautiful community of smart, creative, and powerful women. I have in my heart all the women that are fighting cancer at this […]

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  • 5 Desktop Must Have


    We organize and reorganize our desk over and over again. I know I do! We decide what to keep and what to toss, because it wasn’t as useful as we thought it would be. If you are like me, you can’t work effectively in a cluttered desk. Don’t you just feel like a brand new […]

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