
  • Create something…today

    We’ve all had some of those days when we are way to tired to even get out of bed. Or days when we have a long list of “to do’s” and aren’t inspired to get any of it done. I know I have had some of those lazy days. But, today I was reminded of the blessing it is to be alive and having a new opportunity to make new things. Even better things than we did yesterday.

    31-Days-of-Simplicity-create-something-today-wanda-lopez-designsIt is a simple reminder and I’m taking advantage of it. Create something new today. Why wait for tomorrow, when today is just perfect.

    Find your creative space and make something amazing today. Impress yourself. It’s not about others, it’s about you!

    Be unique, be you, create something new today and share it. Simplicity in creativity, simplicity in creating new things.


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  • A Note!


    It’s been a while since my last post. Many things have been going on. During the summer I have been managing my agenda with many doctors appointments, scans, blood works and medicines.

    I was debating whether to include this information on this blog since I wanted to keep it as crafty and fashionable as possible. But, then I came into the conclusion that if you where going to follow this blog it had to include as much of me as possible and the reality is that for now this is part of my life. I wouldn’t say I’m battling Cancer since I don’t feel I’m fighting anyone or anything. What I do know and feel in my heart is that I am being diligent and responsible doing my part by going to my appointments and the rest is on God’s hands. (more…)

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