desk love

  • 5 Desktop Must Have

    We organize and reorganize our desk over and over again. I know I do! We decide what to keep and what to toss, because it wasn’t as useful as we thought it would be.

    If you are like me, you can’t work effectively in a cluttered desk. Don’t you just feel like a brand new person when you’ve done an overdue cleaning and mindful organization? I do too, which is why I’m sharing how to keep your desk organized with 5 simple must have desktop tools.

    5 Desktop Must Have / if you have a desk you need this items / they are functional, girly and you want them in your life /

    Whether you’re working in a cubicle or spending your days in your home office, there are some supplies you should always keep at your desk to maximize organization. Here are my picks! (more…)

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