
  • Joyful reminder…

    Kids are full of joy. Our baby girl told me one morning, “Mom, I am good at so many things”. She talks with such confidence. She says that the only thing she is not good at it whistling, too funny!

    Her words kept me thinking all day about how I approach things. Boy, do I need to change that! Sometimes life kicks me so hard that I forget that Christ is in me and that I have all it takes to be good at many things too. I am so grateful of that little angel that God used that morning to give me a message I so desperately needed to hear.

    joyful-reminder-wandalopezdesignsI have a journal on my night table where I write down any thought, message from a friend, words of life from the many creative women I follow on Instagram (on social media), or a word that comes from my heart (from God). That journal has been visited many times lately and has helped me express my feelings and thoughts. Do you have a special notebook where you write down at times?

    shine-on-joyful-reminder-wandalopezdesignsNow, tell me something. What is holding you back? What is that thing you are doubting you are good at? I am praying for that thing that is holding me back, I want to go past it and prove it wrong. I can be good, I am good and I will succeed. So will you. Let me pray for you.

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