Emily Ley

  • Mother’s Day Gift Guide

    Mother’s Day is just around the corner, actually is this weekend. Yay! Here I am sharing some of my favorite gifts and a diy. Get your special mamma a gift or make her something cute, I’m sure that whatever you get her she’ll love and cherish forever.Mother's Day Gift Guide / gift ideas with an easy handmade gift for you, your mom, sister or friend / by Wanda Lopez Designs - blog #MothersDayGiftGuide (more…)

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  • Capturing your ideas…

    Inspiration usually comes in occasional spurts of the day and you may not have your laptop available to make a blog post or your tools to start creating your beautiful art.You may be in the grocery store, on the car line in your kids school or on the subway heading to your work or back home. How do you capture that light-bulb idea that will inspire your next project or better yet be the final piece to an existing project in hand?

    Capture your ideas with a golden dots Kate Spade and a Simplified Planner from Emily Ley / Stay Creative! #wandalopez /  #WLD /


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