If you are from my time you have seen or heard of Full House. A TV show I never missed. Loved the story line and the cast was super funny too.
When Danny Tanner’s wife dies, the San Francisco sportscaster gets support in the form of two new roommates: brother-in-law and party boy Jesse, and his stand-up comic friend, Joey. The duo helps out with raising the three Tanner daughters: D.J, Stephanie and Michelle.
I could relate myself to DJ Tanner in many ways. Those pre-teen and teenage years were never dull, plus they always include a dash (or more) of drama. She has grown up and is a proud mommy of three. She is a very talented actress, producer, author, and talk show host. It makes me happy to see talented (creative) women not only thrive in what they are passionate about; but also share some light along the way. Candace wrote Balancing it All where she shares that she has no magic wand or a team of 20 to help her with her errands; the balance comes with some work (or better said with a lot of work). She knows the woman she wants to be and acknowledges that the journey can and will be rocky at times, but with God everything can be possible.
This book is my story of how I’ve juggled all the pieces of my life – from being single, to raising a family, work and marriage – and the lessons that I have learned along the way. I know you are juggling all the roles and responsibilities of your lives too, so I’m hoping that you can glean some wisdom from the things that have and haven’t worked in my life.
I read the book in about two afternoons. Couldn’t seem to be able to put it down. In this book she shows how much she has grown both personally and professional since her time on the TV show Full House. Her story, struggles and journey as a wife and mom are very relatable. She also shares about how she became a Christian and the importance of finding a church and family in Christ. That is where I am right now, still praying for that church we can call home. I think the delay has been from my part. My family seems content wherever we go. We have a lovely family in Christ (from years of relationship) that we won’t let go of, but a house church has been more difficult for me to find than expected. Keep me in your prayers on this one, please. We’ll get there, I know we will.
It was nice reading Candace’s words and realizing we are similar in so many ways. The journey is similar no matter if you are a Hollywood star, a stay at home mom or a creative woman building a business (or a professional woman working on the job of your dreams). We all have 24 hours a day, dreams, needs and responsibilities. It’s realizing “what matters most” that keeps us on track.
What book are you reading or have read lately?
Sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you Eliana. Glad you enjoyed it.
The book looks fantastic, thanks for the review. I’m currently reading To Kill a Mockingbird in Spanish. It’s great.
Nice book you are reading! My daughter has read it, in English.
somos multi-escenario, y por eso es vital tener las herramientas de recopilación adecuadas. En mi caso, me gusta utilizar casi exclusivamente mi iPhone –salvo los papeles, que van en la bandeja de entrada fÃsica que tenga a mano, en el escritorio o en mi mochila.De esta forma es posible “olvidarte” de la división entre personal y profesional. Todo va al iPhone, y ya lo organizaré por contextos. Fácil y rápido 🙂
Just a few weeks ago saw a documentary about the cast and history of Full House!! Was so emotional. Thanks for this recomnendations!
I am always sadden to hear some of the stories of kids growing up in Hollywood. Candace is one of the few of those kids that grow up quite nicely. I have enjoyed her books and recent movies.
I loved watching Full House! The book sounds really awesome.
Paula, she has a few books and all very good. Inspiring and motivational.
Este programa me encantaba, el libro se ve genial!
El programa fue uno de mis favoritos durante mi ninez.
This books looks great! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Monica! Hope you gets your hands on this book, it’s great!
I used to watch that show all the time too! I had no idea she had a book out! I’m gonna have to look it up!
Maybelle, she has a couple of books and all very good. Empowering women to be their best in all areas of our lives.
I love the show, yo quiero ese libro, muchas gracias por la información, saludos.
Yissle, gracias por tu comentario. Espero consigas el libro, te va a encantar.
I want to read it! Lately I have seen her in different Netflix movies. Didn’t know she had a published book!
Mayra, she has a couple of books and all are very good. Hope you get your hands on them and enjoy the read.