Gift Guide

  • Gifts for mom

    Moms work so hard and do so much for us all. One day is not enough to celebrate them. Well, you don’t have to celebrate mom just one day a year. Hug her, tell her how much you love her, make crafts for her, and help her around the house. Those are simple daily things we all can do for mom. Check out this gifts for mom, or you!

    I have curated some of my favorite items for you to gift your mom and/or that special woman in your life. Warning! You may want this gifts for mom; for yourself too.
    Gifts for mom and that special woman in your life. You will want to buy two of each present. One for mom and one for you! / Mother's Day - gifts for her at #blog


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  • gift guide for your bff

    Valentines Day is coming up and your BFF deserves a treat. Do you have a girlfriend in mind that has been with you during good & not so good times? I do. She definitely deserves a “you are an amazing friend” gift.

    Here a couple of gift ideas you’ll both love. You will want to get two of each, one for your BFF and one for you!A gift guide for your BFF. Your best friend wants this items, get them for her and an extra set for you. Happy Valentines Day / by Wanda Lopez Designs #lifestyleblog (more…)

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  • Techie & Dapper Dad #FathersDayGiftGuide

    Father’s Day is just a couple of days, (week and a half) ahead. So what do you get the dad that is techie and has a great taste? Appeal to his great sense of style with this dapper gift ideas for Father’s Day. From a classic perfect shaving kit to a vintage-inspired portfolio briefcase. We’ve got dad covered!For the techie and dapper man in your life. This #fathersdaygiftguide has everything you need from technology to style gifts ideas for dad! / by Wanda Lopez Designs - fashion and lifestyle blog


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  • Graduation Love #GradsGiftGuide

    You probably know someone that is graduation this year, or has already graduated this year. For me, that’s my daughter. She is graduating from middle school. YAY! I am super proud of her. She has learned and grown so much since she started middle school. I can look back to certain moments during the last three years and can identify moments where she has shown a certain level of maturity, and other moments when she didn’t. That’s all part of being a kid and being human. Right?

    Here are some of my picks for those graduating this year. For the on the go, enjoy the summer and also useful for when school starts next year or what ever is that you are heading towards to. Some of you may be going back to school in August while others are off to start a career you are passionate about, whatever it is the case, CONGRATULATIONS on you graduation!

    Picks for #GradsGiftGuide / girly and chic for your special ocassion / #gifts


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  • Mother’s Day Gift Guide

    Mother’s Day is just around the corner, actually is this weekend. Yay! Here I am sharing some of my favorite gifts and a diy. Get your special mamma a gift or make her something cute, I’m sure that whatever you get her she’ll love and cherish forever.Mother's Day Gift Guide / gift ideas with an easy handmade gift for you, your mom, sister or friend / by Wanda Lopez Designs - blog #MothersDayGiftGuide (more…)

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  • His & Hers Valentine’s Gift Guide

    Valentine’s Day is everyday in my book. I love my girls and my husband, my family and friends. Spending time with them is one of my biggest joys.

    If you are wondering what to get your special someone here are a couple of my picks. This curated collection of His and Hers items can give you a hint of what you may want or what your honey may enjoy.

    His and Hers Valentine's Day Gift Guide / curated collection of items our love one wants for Valentine's Day / by Wanda Lopez designs - blog #giftguide #ValentinesDay (more…)

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  • gift guide for the hostess

    November is here and Holiday parties are already starting to fill up our calendars. Make sure you never show up this season empty handed. Here are some ideas… get one of these adorable gifts and surprise your lovely hostess!

    Hostess Gift Guide 2015 / by wanda lopez designs-blog #hostessgiftguide (more…)

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  • Mothers Gift Guide

    Mother’s Day for me isn’t just one day. My husband and girls spoil me tremendously year round. This year is no different. But, every time Mother’s Day comes around I have a different list of items am loving at the moment.



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