business talk

  • Balance vs Guilt

    Balance? What? What does that even mean? It’s whatever you want or need it to be. For me balance is being able to take my girls to school in the morning, pick them up after school and eating together as a family. All while making a living doing what I love; creating products for the woman that’s always on the go and don’t want to sacrifice her style.

    On other times of the year, like summer, is about being able to schedule outdoor time. Maybe a road trip as a family, some picnics in the park with the girls or soaking up some sun beside the pool. Which may mean having to work during odd hours in order to spend those beautiful hot days out and about with the family. The girls are growing up, fast, and I don’t want to miss special moments with them. My schedule changes often. Who’s with me? Are you also trying to make it happen for your business while raising your kiddos all at the same time?

    Balance versus Guilt for the working women / I've been there, have you? / by Wanda Lopez Designs #lifestyleblog


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  • Start where you are

    We are not meant to do it all alone. For months I have been saying those words to myself, yet I have been going the opposite way.

    Start where you are. Are you looking into starting a photography career? / by Wanda Lopez from

    The reality is that my photography has evolved, but I have a long way to go. For starter I need to start using the DSLR my husband got for me about three holidays ago. Can you relate to that? As a self taught handbag designer and maker I have felt the struggle. The words, “The struggle is real”, are no joke. But, learning as I go is not always that bad. I get to try fabrics, patterns, and go back and tweak them as needed. I just love the entire process. (more…)

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  • 5 Desktop Must Have

    We organize and reorganize our desk over and over again. I know I do! We decide what to keep and what to toss, because it wasn’t as useful as we thought it would be.

    If you are like me, you can’t work effectively in a cluttered desk. Don’t you just feel like a brand new person when you’ve done an overdue cleaning and mindful organization? I do too, which is why I’m sharing how to keep your desk organized with 5 simple must have desktop tools.

    5 Desktop Must Have / if you have a desk you need this items / they are functional, girly and you want them in your life /

    Whether you’re working in a cubicle or spending your days in your home office, there are some supplies you should always keep at your desk to maximize organization. Here are my picks! (more…)

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