
  • Simplicity finale

    Today we are concluding this 31 days series of simplicity. This series has impacted my heart tremendously. I have dug deeply and found some weak points that needed to be taken care of and some stronger areas that made me realize that I have been learning something from life.


    I’m loving this new journey I’m on (a journey my entire house is on), that lets me create new things. The fact that people are actually liking and getting the handbags is humbling to me. Thank you very much!

    I must confess that at times I have felt like giving up. For many reasons. Like no idea of what to blog about, or a lack of creativity to make more pieces or even a slow time on the shop. If I see that things aren’t selling I would start second guessing myself and God’s purpose in me. But, as soon as I realize where my heart is leading to, I take a deep breath and remember the “why” I do what I do, (and for who).

    I pray for open doors and the possibility and ability to impact many women (many people), through out this creative business. The ability to change lives, to inspire creative minds, to offer jobs, to give someone the push they need to multiply their talents and make a business of their own. Ephesians 2:10.

    31-Days-of-Simplicity-live-dream-be-grateful-give-laugh-wandalopezdesignsOne of the best ways to resume this simplicity series may be by encouraging you all to make things that matters happen, create something new everyday (or as often as possible) and inspire someone. You are all simply precious and I want to thank you all for believing and encouraging me to keep on going. 1 Peter 2:9.

    Thank you for following this 31 Days of Simplicity series. I pray that it may bring you joy and encourage your heart to follow your dreams. Taking simple steps, one day at a time!

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  • Simple beauty {simplicity in design}

    Simple beauty…

    When I started brainstorming about designs that I wanted to create, some words came to mind. Words like: simplicity, timeless, elegant, chic, modern, girly and functionality. The handbags had to be functional. They had to be bags that I would use daily. (more…)

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