Handbags and Purses

  • Do what you love!

    Last night I signed up for a class taught by Rebecca from Better Life Bags through The Influence Network. It was the first time I took a class through them and I loved it!

    The class was titled “From Crafty Girl to Handmade Business”. I felt very related to Rebecca throughout the class. Specially through the beginning of the class when she was sharing the first steps into a handmade business.

    Starting a small business is scary, tricky and overwhelming. My head is filled with countless questions. Like, is this what God wants me to do for years to come? Are the designs I create going to be loved by customers? Will they sell? How can I take it to the next level? How can I impact lives through my handbags? God I want to impact lives.

    I have to say that most of my questions were answered and my heart feels at peace. I always include God in every step I take and this is no different. Taking a step of faith means letting God direct my steps towards his purpose through the business. Letting Him lead my heart (and my passion) meet in a product that will take me places and open doors to sow seeds in His name. Simplicity in having faith, taking a leap of faith. Simplicity in doing what you love.

    31-Days-of-Simplicity-do-what-you-love-wandalopezdesignsI believe in doing what you love and doing it with passion. When you are doing what you love and God is the core, the foundation, there is a peaceful feeling in it all. Many hours of work and sweat are put in,but it is so worth it. Just the thought of the possibilities makes me giddy.

    What is in your heart? What is it that you desire to do? Is there a purpose that will give life to others?

    Let me pray for you, please leave a comment below, I want to pray for you and your hearts desires.


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  • Take a chance today…

    31-Days-of-Simplicity-take-a-chance-today-wandalopezdesignsWow! This photo sums it up very well!

    My heart has been filled with ideas and designs, but my fear has been my worst enemy. I start second guessing everything and end up putting myself down. By the time I do make good designs and worthy of being shown, I lack courage to do so.

    A couple of nights ago I was reading a blog post that Whitney English wrote about (more…)

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  • Fall {Animal Print} Handbag

    Fall is in the air!

    I love all the seasons, the reason for it is that they all show a marked difference on the environment. The surroundings are physically changing and the climate changes too. I just love change. That can be one of the reasons why I love fashion so much. I love the fact that fashion changes with the seasons.

    I made a bag months ago that I haven’t added to the shop yet. Before I add an item, I test a sample for a while and show it off to see peoples reaction. If they complement the bag or not. If the bag goes with the season we are in or not. That is the case of this particular bag, that I ended up calling Grace Hobo Bag in Leopard. A must have for fall, if I may say so myself!

    Grace-Hobo-Leopard-wanda-lopez-designsHandbags must me pretty in designs and simple in usage. The more items you add to the design the heavier it is. Most women won’t buy a bag if it is heavy on its own. Imagine how much more it will weight with your personal items inside the bag?

    This particular bag, the Grace Hobo bag, is made with a beautiful soft leopard fabric with a stunning black suede fabric to complement and also work as a contrast. It is light in weight, but also sturdy, it holds its shape beautifully.

    Grace-Hobo-Leopard-wandalopezdesigns-close-upIf you are loving this beautiful leopard hobo bag and can see yourself (or anyone you know) using it on special occasion or daily; leave me a comment below. Also, stay in touch for an update on the shop and when this beautiful animal print Grace Hobo bag will be available.

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  • Simple beauty {simplicity in design}

    Simple beauty…

    When I started brainstorming about designs that I wanted to create, some words came to mind. Words like: simplicity, timeless, elegant, chic, modern, girly and functionality. The handbags had to be functional. They had to be bags that I would use daily. (more…)

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  • Fold Over Clutch

    Most of you know by now that I am a very girly girl and have the joy of having two little girls that are very girly as well. That is why accessories makes me so very happy.

    During the past weeks I have been working on some new and exciting bags. They became a great hit amongst family and friends and I want you to take a look at them and give me your feedback.

    Now for the fun part, let me introduce you to the Fold-over Clutch.


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