
  • Celebrating my birthday…

    If you have following for a while or are new here one thing you may know is that I love celebrations. I don’t take birthdays for granted. On 2004 I was diagnosed with cancer and the battle was very emotional, personal and spiritual. You can’t help it but letting God take the wheel and guide you through the days. With four surgeries and five tumors birthdays are very special in my house.

    As time goes by I am more inspired and motivated to give it all I have to see my daughters grow, my marriage get stronger and my business flourish into what God is (and has) intended. Here’s a pick of my days of celebration. You read right, days, I celebrate for a week and more if I can!

    Birthday Celebration 2015 / I love to laugh out loud eat cake and drink wine all is best when the company is awesome! #WLDesigns


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  • InfluenceNet Meetup in Florida {#sunshinestatemeetup}

    The Influence Network is an online community I love and recommend everyone to go and check it out (link provided so you can easily visit their site). I believe the internet is a tool and we all choose how to make use of it, I want to make the best use possible and so does The Influence Network’s team and members. “The Influence Network is for creatively minded women, who are looking for an uplifting community where they can be encouraged and also resourced to make their online lives mean something.” words from the influence network’s site.

    sunshinestatemeetup-wandalopezdesignsPerfect ending at Rifle Paper Co.


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  • Fit for resting

    This weekend has been absolutely beautiful. With the perfect fall weather. That cool breeze that makes you want to walk in a beautiful park for hours and then enjoy a wonderful cup of hot cocoa. I love cool weathers, I love changes in the seasons.

    Fit-for-resting-wandalopezdesigns (more…)

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