Personal Organization

  • Organize a space…

    When we hear the word organize or organization we immediately think of a space; house or office. Even though that is exactly what we have been up to this days. Organizing our playroom space to make a better use of it; since the girls are growing up and don’t use it much. Plus, we are receiving guests during the holidays and want to get a head start on it. Big plans for that space.

    31-Days-of-Simplicity-organize-wandalopezdesignsThere is also another organizing aspect that I want to link with my 31 days series on simplicity. Organizing your inner space. Organizing your mind. (more…)

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  • Colors in Simplicity


    I am a big lover of stationary. If my desk could talk, it would tell you so. When I think about simplicity one of the first things that comes to mind are To Do Lists, agendas and post-it. (more…)

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