When we hear the word organize or organization we immediately think of a space; house or office. Even though that is exactly what we have been up to this days. Organizing our playroom space to make a better use of it; since the girls are growing up and don’t use it much. Plus, we are receiving guests during the holidays and want to get a head start on it. Big plans for that space.
There is also another organizing aspect that I want to link with my 31 days series on simplicity. Organizing your inner space. Organizing your mind.
I have had the girls off from school for four days straight (including the weekend). Even though I enjoy their company I have realized that having that space of noise free is crucial. A space to organize my mind and heart to get a clear vision of what matters most and how to plan my day effectively. This way, the girls, the business or myself included are all being properly taken care of and attended.
Simplicity in organizing your mind and heart will help guide you to what matters most. What ever that is for you. For me, in this stage of my life, is about creating a simplicity in space. Intentionally spending my time on and with what matters most. Spending time with Jesus, guiding my girls to being their best everyday, unconditionally loving my family, learning more about the business God put in my hands and using every tool I have been given to give good news to those that cross my path.
What matters most to you? Do you need to organize a space? I sure do, but I’m working on it! All a work in progress.