Sundays are one of those days of the week when I take some time to sit and meditate on what I have done so far and the many things I still wish to accomplish in my life. It’s like taking a snap shot of my life.
I find myself constantly thinking about the process I’m in at this stage in my life. If I’m making a good use of my voice and the talents that God has giving me or not. The purpose of everything I do is to glorify Him and learning how to use the tools I have been given is part of my process.
Today during our Sunday service we were remembering the goals that were set for our church at the beginning of the year. Some of the faces showed concerns. Concerned that we have are not where expected or where we all had wished we were.
When one of the members came to me for my opinion I reminded her that goals are set so that we can all something to look forward to. But, things can change during the year, they do and they have. I believe in going through the goals at the middle of the year and re-evaluate if some new goals must be set.
We may not have grown in numbers, but we have most definitely grown in character and have been growing in knowing Jesus more. We learned more about Jesus ministry while on Earth and what He expects from us. We have learned about our gifts, talents and purpose. We have learned to work as a team and love each other as a family.
Looking at all the things mentioned above, I’ll say that we have done pretty good (even without the expected growth in numbers). I expressed to that member that all the changes that our church (and us) have been through it’s part of the process.
Loving the simplicity in the process and what I’m learning through it all! Praying that we can all learn through the process and grown in the middle of it!