
  • Grow your business with intention

    For the past few years I have chosen a word of the year. Its purpose is to remind myself of my current goals. One of the things that helps me is to keep it visible at all times. I put it on my vision board in my office, on the fridge door, on the side of the mirror in my bedroom and inside my planner. Here’s a tip; put your word of the year everywhere possible.

    Grow Your Business with intention and make this year the best one yet for your business. #businesscoach #girlboss #bosslady @

    The whole idea of choosing a word of the year is to bring to memory what your goals or resolutions are. For me is GROWTH. Growing my business and be of service to others that need help getting started or need an extra push to keep on going. I can say with the most honesty that I wish I had a mentor when starting my business and I can’t do business or life without a strong like minded community, no one should. That’s why my #wordoftheyear is growth!

    Grow your business with intention!


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  • Why to blog and how it can help you

    Blogging takes time and it usually covers a purpose. Maybe you want to turn it into a business, or you started as blogging for fun and then it turned into a business. Maybe you have been blogging for a while and want to turn it into a business, or you are blogging for fun and want to keep it that way. Regardless of the reason, blogging is putting yourself out there and you should have a plan of some sorts to share that content. Lets talk about why to blog and how it can help you and help your business.

    Why to blog and how it can help you


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  • Not feeling productive this week?

    Are you not feeling very productive this week? You’re not alone. This has been a roller coaster kinda week. With many emotions, feelings and wonders. We are all trying to figure out what’s to come. No one really knows for sure and all we have left to do is put one feet in front of the other and keep on moving forward. Politics aside, I have had other not so productive weeks too and they have nothing to do with a huge distraction like the one we are all experiencing right now.

    Not having a very productive week? I hear you. Unproductive weeks are more common than you think. Here are some tips I follow to stay on task. #WLDBizTalk


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  • Start where you are

    We are not meant to do it all alone. For months I have been saying those words to myself, yet I have been going the opposite way.

    Start where you are. Are you looking into starting a photography career? / by Wanda Lopez from

    The reality is that my photography has evolved, but I have a long way to go. For starter I need to start using the DSLR my husband got for me about three holidays ago. Can you relate to that? As a self taught handbag designer and maker I have felt the struggle. The words, “The struggle is real”, are no joke. But, learning as I go is not always that bad. I get to try fabrics, patterns, and go back and tweak them as needed. I just love the entire process. (more…)

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