Art Business

Art business includes many moving parts. From visualizing your cream business, to product creation, best tools to use, marketing techniques and so much more. We will go over them all here, one-by-one in easy and digestible steps.

  • How to create a productive workflow

    For years I’ve been hustling and working like a mad woman without an actual productive workflow plan in sight. Crazy, right?

    Then I realized I was working towards busyness instead of towards creating a business. Feels related? I hear you! I needed a productive workflow with purpose, intention, and a plan. An accurate plan that made sense and took me to a place where I felt happy instead of STUCK.

    How to create a productive workflow, a schedule that helps you be more productive and intentional in your business. #business #scheduling #creativebusiness #biztalk

    I’m probably pushing some buttons on you right now. That’s cool, in fact that’s exactly what I want, to bring you into a place of identifying what you are doing and if it’s working or not (for you and your business goals). Let’s start by manifesting what you want your life to look like, where you are right now, and identify what is not working. Finally share with you how to create a productive workflow.


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  • Grow your business with intention

    For the past few years I have chosen a word of the year. Its purpose is to remind myself of my current goals. One of the things that helps me is to keep it visible at all times. I put it on my vision board in my office, on the fridge door, on the side of the mirror in my bedroom and inside my planner. Here’s a tip; put your word of the year everywhere possible.

    Grow Your Business with intention and make this year the best one yet for your business. #businesscoach #girlboss #bosslady @

    The whole idea of choosing a word of the year is to bring to memory what your goals or resolutions are. For me is GROWTH. Growing my business and be of service to others that need help getting started or need an extra push to keep on going. I can say with the most honesty that I wish I had a mentor when starting my business and I can’t do business or life without a strong like minded community, no one should. That’s why my #wordoftheyear is growth!

    Grow your business with intention!


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  • Why to blog and how it can help you

    Blogging takes time and it usually covers a purpose. Maybe you want to turn it into a business, or you started as blogging for fun and then it turned into a business. Maybe you have been blogging for a while and want to turn it into a business, or you are blogging for fun and want to keep it that way. Regardless of the reason, blogging is putting yourself out there and you should have a plan of some sorts to share that content. Lets talk about why to blog and how it can help you and help your business.

    Why to blog and how it can help you


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  • Balance vs Guilt

    Balance? What? What does that even mean? It’s whatever you want or need it to be. For me balance is being able to take my girls to school in the morning, pick them up after school and eating together as a family. All while making a living doing what I love; creating products for the woman that’s always on the go and don’t want to sacrifice her style.

    On other times of the year, like summer, is about being able to schedule outdoor time. Maybe a road trip as a family, some picnics in the park with the girls or soaking up some sun beside the pool. Which may mean having to work during odd hours in order to spend those beautiful hot days out and about with the family. The girls are growing up, fast, and I don’t want to miss special moments with them. My schedule changes often. Who’s with me? Are you also trying to make it happen for your business while raising your kiddos all at the same time?

    Balance versus Guilt for the working women / I've been there, have you? / by Wanda Lopez Designs #lifestyleblog


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