Be an Intentional Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16

Last week I spent a couple of days at a conference that impacted me tremendously. I was invited by a friend and speaker. We have been great fans and cheerleaders of each others work for a very long time now, but had never met in person. I know you have friendships like that too.

Being a Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16

We have, what you would call a, long and beautiful friendship. Never under estimate the power of a good, healthy, honest and organic friendship. If there is something no-one can fake is a friendship. I treasure and respect my friends. New and old, I love them all. I am truly thankful for the invitation.

Being a Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16

(From left to right: me and Diana from Entre Compras y el Hogar, me and Mayra from Estilo Familiar (my sweet friend that invited me to this year’s Latism and finally in the bottom right is me with Elayna from The Positive Mom)

The conference is Latism (Latinos in Tech and Innovation Social Media). The Latism Conference offers digital influencers from all over the country the opportunity to network, collaborate, and learn new ways of using social media platforms. The conference took place in Disney’s Coronado Resort, right in my back yard. Disney’s Coronado Resort and convention center has a lovely Spanish Colonial architecture making it a perfect setting to celebrate our Latino culture.

Being a Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16

(from left to right: Alexandra from Living Money Wise, me and Mayra from Estilo Familiar)

I was honored to support fellow influencers during their sessions and learned tremendously from their topics. The line of speakers was elite and I am still devouring my notes.

Being a Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16

The message around the conference was of great empowerment. Equipping, encouraging and connecting one another to make things happen. Latism is about cultivating relationships that make positive changes together all while moving forward and helping each other. I left the conference with not just connections, but many new friends.

Being a Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16

Have you attended Latism before? Maybe you where there this year too. I am looking forward for next years Latism, which I believe will take place in Washington D.C. Stay connected on Latism FB page for upcoming information. Let me know if you are thinking about attending next year, hopefully we can meet! Let’s connect and be agents of change.

Being a Change Agent / Make a difference in your field and impact others along the way / and recap from Latism16 conference / by Wanda from Wanda Lopez Designs #Latism16