
  • gift guide for your bff

    Valentines Day is coming up and your BFF deserves a treat. Do you have a girlfriend in mind that has been with you during good & not so good times? I do. She definitely deserves a “you are an amazing friend” gift.

    Here a couple of gift ideas you’ll both love. You will want to get two of each, one for your BFF and one for you!A gift guide for your BFF. Your best friend wants this items, get them for her and an extra set for you. Happy Valentines Day / by Wanda Lopez Designs #lifestyleblog (more…)

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  • Colors in Simplicity


    I am a big lover of stationary. If my desk could talk, it would tell you so. When I think about simplicity one of the first things that comes to mind are To Do Lists, agendas and post-it. (more…)

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