Personal Updates

Creating an online business as an artist happens daily, with messy desks and all. Join my journey as I share with you the behind-the-scenes of growing a creative online business helping artists and creative entrepreneurs.

  • tea time and thankfulness…

    There is one thing I do know for sure and that is that everything happens in God’s timing and not mines. One of my jobs description is to be diligent on what’s my part. Many hours of work, learn about entrepreneurship, learn more sewing techniques, create new designs (that are functional and yet beautifully made for everyone to enjoy long term), stay focus on WLD‘s existence and purpose (to honor and share Jesus). Be present in everything I do. Keep on learning and help others along the way.

    Tea Time and Thankfulness / W.L. designs #wandalopezdesigns (more…)

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  • sunshine and the pool

    Sometimes I get the feeling that I have little mermaids instead of little girls. Going to the pool is one my girls favorite things to do. We have hot weather year round. We do get some cooler days during the winter, but still not as cold as on the northern part of USA.

    pool #summerfun by wldesigns

    During this summer we made many trips to the pool. It is the perfect thing to do with the girls that is not only budget friendly, but soaks up some of their energy. After the pool and a good shower they take a long nap and gives mommy some time to rest or work on some items from my to do list. (more…)

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  • InfluenceNet Meetup in Florida {#sunshinestatemeetup}

    The Influence Network is an online community I love and recommend everyone to go and check it out (link provided so you can easily visit their site). I believe the internet is a tool and we all choose how to make use of it, I want to make the best use possible and so does The Influence Network’s team and members. “The Influence Network is for creatively minded women, who are looking for an uplifting community where they can be encouraged and also resourced to make their online lives mean something.” words from the influence network’s site.

    sunshinestatemeetup-wandalopezdesignsPerfect ending at Rifle Paper Co.


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  • Weekend celebrations…

    February 28 and March 1 are two of my most favorite days of the year. My oldest daughter was born on a February 28, twelve years ago. You read right, my oldest girl just turned 12. When she was just two years old I was diagnosed with cancer. A rare cancer, we couldn’t even find a doctor that knew about it, less much treat it.



    Long story short, we are both happy to be together and a day like February 28th is very emotional to me. The blessing of seeing her become a young girl makes me teary and proud. You can not imagine the nights I cried asking God to give me an opportunity to watch her grow and become a young woman and be a part of her journey. I am the most thankful mamma.


    March 1 is my husband’s birthday.This man makes me happy and I am so proud of him.

    So you can imagine the celebrations we have every year with two very important occasions occurring one day after another. It’s like a week long celebration. I don’t mind, you see I don’t cook for all those days and that makes me happy too.

    I thank God every day and night for the daily blessings and mercy he pours over me.

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  • Thank You!

    I want to thank you all for a wonder first year of blogging and trying new things. Challenging myself is one the things I love most and while I learn I enjoy sharing with you all my ups and downs in anything I’m reaching out to do. One of my passions is to inspire others to be the best they can ever be, daily.


    I want to give a big shout out to Heather from River and Bridge for her beautiful heart and believing in me. She was sweet enough to make my business cards and labels as a gift and has taught me the first business lessons I have learned. The first one is to be grateful for what God has given you and give back to others that are either starting or lost along the way. I was both, starting and lost. Thank you Heather for always being there when ever I need you. You rock!

    Heather is an amazing graphic designer, she offers custom work and also has a shop on Etsy, (River and Bridge)please go visit and check her out!


    Always keeping in mind that without God we accomplish nothing and what we have is meant to be shared. Share love, share knowledge, give back, help others, be grateful and you’ll see God’s grace over you and everything you ever accomplish.

    A big a warm hug to each and everyone that not only believes in me, but also prays for me and cheers me on. Thank you all! Have a wonderful 2014 and may all the desires of your heart come true!

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