I can hardly believe that 2014 is almost to an end. So many goals, so much still to do, so little time.
There’s so much still to do before the year ends. Some of those things are to organize the books (learn how to book-keep). I could easily stop there since learning how to book-keep a starting business is tricky, but there’s still more to work on. Like designing new handbags for 2015 that can make every women’s life easier. I am a very busy mom and take great advantage of handbags that can work for me, but I still want them to be pretty. That is what WLD offers. Functional yet cute and modern accessories.
I love agendas and note pads. They help me put on writing my goals and dreams and break them into doable steps. It takes time and if one month I not on track a goals, it’s ok, I don’t go hurting myself for slacking on any given month. I just take one step at a time and trust God along the way. Some plans do change along the year and I’m ok with that. Just keep them on paper, go back to them as often as possible and get as close to the goal as you can before the year ends.
Only two more months left. What are your end of the year goals? Do you use an agenda or planner to keep your goals accessible?