I have been aiming for good photography, great social media, flawless writing, designing and making accessories everyone will love, take care of my girls, keeping the house tidy, being warm and welcoming with others, and on top of all of that take some time for myself. Ufff… I am tired already. Can you see the pattern? I was trying to be and do perfectly every area of my life, and yet had no defined intention.

Intentional #wordoftheyear / Reviewing my word of the year half way throu the year / Be intentional in everything you do and why you do it! / by Wanda Lopez #wandalopezdesigns

During my quiet time I can hear that voice telling me I am not meant to do it all by myself… and neither are you. Half the year has gone by and it is the perfect time to come back to my word of the year and re-evaluate priorities. My word is Intentional. I often go back to “why” I chose that word and evaluate if I have derailed away from it as the year goes by.

Some intentional steps I have taken during the year has been to host more people in our home. I started a home garden in order to harvest lots of fresh veggies and herbs for our home and for my neighbors too. Volunteered more in school in order to love my daughter’s teachers intentionally. I’m taking care of my health even more than I was already, which by the way I take great care my health. Cancer can stay really far away, because we don’t want it around. I’m also giving myself permission to not be perfect in everything. To enjoy the day and be a little more spontaneous. I still have a long way to go, but I have being trying to be intentional in what I do and why I do it.

We can be honest here, right? One area I am still working on is “listening”. Some of my friends will probably say I am a great listener. In fact some believed I could have been a great counselor. I don’t think so. Jajaja… Isn’t it funny how you can’t see what you friends see in you? I love people, and love conversations, but then my head starts spinning and I can’t wait for them to stop talking so I can say what’s in my mind. Can you relate? I hope I am not alone here. Trust me, I’m working on it. The intentional part, for me, is to listen and not speak unless they ask for feedback and quickly pray before talking. Something that frightens the me most is talking out of order, hurting peoples feelings or un-motivating someone.

For this last part of the year I want to pray more intentionally, love more intentionally, write more intentionally, plant a fall “home” garden more intentionally and design & make more accessories for my shop more intentionally. Have you been pondering on the year that has gone by and the months we still have ahead of us? Let’s chat. Tell me if you have stuck with your resolution or plans for this year. Leave a comment below.