Personal Updates

Creating an online business as an artist happens daily, with messy desks and all. Join my journey as I share with you the behind-the-scenes of growing a creative online business helping artists and creative entrepreneurs.

  • Book Love…“The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?”

    I have purchased The Purpose Driven Life’s book a while ago and when my friend’s birthday came by I gave it to her. At the moment it seemed like a great idea and I am sure it was the best gift for her, but I had realized I had not read the book myself. It makes me happy to hear her voice saying how much the book has blessed her life. I am positive it was the best decision ever and maybe that is why I had it saved for that long, it was just for her. Now it was time I got a copy for myself.

    Purpose Driven Life / for that very special and needed devotional time / by Wanda Lopez Designs - blog

    The Purpose-Driven Life takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning Purpose-Driven Church and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.


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  • Boundaries…

    Boundaries is not only for those family members of friends that may think “Oh, he or she is home I can call and she’ll pick up” or “I can go by and have some coffee”. Boundaries are for yourself too. What?

    Make your time more effective. Set a working schedule, honor it and educate others on what that schedule means for you. If I am working and a friend calls I send them a text letting them know that I am working and that I will be calling them at an specific time. Or if I need to make a doctors appointment I won’t schedule during those hours.

    Boundaries... work smart while working from home / leather tools used on WLD products / by Wanda Lopez Designs


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  • Cleaning out! Savings for you…

    One of the things that excites me a lot is to clean out and start new things on a clean surface. Here at WLD‘s loft we are cleaning out to make room for a brand new collection. That means savings for you. Everything on the shop will be available for sale, 35% off. I may have to warn you, some pieces have very limited amounts so if you have an eye on something you will want to join our newsletter now. Subscribers will be getting the sale code 24 hours before everyone else. Yes, you heard right!



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  • Consistency…

    Are you trying to get job done and by the end of the day things got barely done? I hear you. I find myself sitting on my desk early on the day and by the end of the day I have accomplished nothing or almost nothing. Getting distracted on social media or my email (inbox) are my daily battles.

    Consistency... are you blogging or running a business and find yourself struggling with consistency? I do, here are some things that are working for me! / #WandaLopezDesigns


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  • Capturing your ideas…

    Inspiration usually comes in occasional spurts of the day and you may not have your laptop available to make a blog post or your tools to start creating your beautiful art.You may be in the grocery store, on the car line in your kids school or on the subway heading to your work or back home. How do you capture that light-bulb idea that will inspire your next project or better yet be the final piece to an existing project in hand?

    Capture your ideas with a golden dots Kate Spade and a Simplified Planner from Emily Ley / Stay Creative! #wandalopez /  #WLD /


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  • Celebrating my birthday…

    If you have following for a while or are new here one thing you may know is that I love celebrations. I don’t take birthdays for granted. On 2004 I was diagnosed with cancer and the battle was very emotional, personal and spiritual. You can’t help it but letting God take the wheel and guide you through the days. With four surgeries and five tumors birthdays are very special in my house.

    As time goes by I am more inspired and motivated to give it all I have to see my daughters grow, my marriage get stronger and my business flourish into what God is (and has) intended. Here’s a pick of my days of celebration. You read right, days, I celebrate for a week and more if I can!

    Birthday Celebration 2015 / I love to laugh out loud eat cake and drink wine all is best when the company is awesome! #WLDesigns


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