Today is #InternationalWomensDay. It commemorates the movement for women’s rights. Is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. I am very proud to be a woman and be surrounded by so many wonder, talented and supporting women.
You may be in school right now, working from home, working outside of home, retired, or a stay at home mom taking care of your kiddos; no matter where you are right now or what you are doing at this precise moment know that I am celebrating you. Cheers to you boss lady!
I am at home babysitting. You read right. I am working and I am babysitting my friend’s daughter. She has been sick for the past couple of days and her mom had to go to work. Unlike me, she works outside the house, needs to make a living and help support her family, but still needs to care for her sick little girl. That’s where I come in. She called for help and I lend a hand. That’s, my friend, what a friend does for a friend, what we as woman do for other woman. We help each other up. Help build each other up. In anything that is needed!
I have the blessing to be able to work from home, she doesn’t. That gives me the flexibility that she doesn’t necessarily have right now. If you can help another woman in your life, do it. There’s always something you can do and someway you can show love to others. God came to serve, not to be served. If you are not serving one another what is holding you back?
We as woman have achieved so much. Go ahead and look back at history. Woman are amazing human beings. We are caring, loving, strong, powerful, intelligent, we wear many hats (sometimes all in one same day), we are so much more and we are here to help each other be the best we can be. Know that I am here for you and I celebrate you, sweet, lady!
What have you done lately for another woman in your life? Be it helping her on her business, lending a hand with her kiddos, offering your shoulder to cry on or your drinking a cup of coffee together while talking about life. Share with me in the comment section below. I want to hear from you.
Have the most beautiful of days and lets celebrate #IWD together!
Excelente mensaje, las mujeres portamos diferentes sombreros durante todo el día y en verdad debemos celebrarnos y ayudarnos unas con otras. Gracias por tan buen mensaje y por compartir tu experiencia. ¡ Feliz día ! 🙂
You did a great thing and I truly believe than when we support each other we all grow together. Excellent!!